KutttPech V0.4.1 (20-10-02)

SCALING!!! :) External frame viewing!!! VOLUME CONTROL!!! :) PLUS some bugfixes... What more do you want... :)

-- ok maybe peace and stuff :S --

EXAMPLE: http://kutttpech.math.leidenuniv.nl
Thanks Lennert for server software and server

YES, KutttPech can still play MPEG-1 movies as well, although it wasn't made for that purpose...

Star Wars trailer
With audio and external frame viewing...
Star Wars trailer
With audio and scaling...

The source:
Only the jar-file (just .class)

KutttPech V0.4 (11-10-02)

Two words: MORE STABILITY... (yes, I am refering to this new KutttPech version... not to a general wish of every designer...) This version seems to have a lot less problems with audio then the beta version... So now you can play LIVE MP3 audio with your MPEG-1 stream and it will be lip-sync... VERY COOL!! :) Audio streams can now be as small as 8Kbit!!

EXAMPLE: http://kutttpech.math.leidenuniv.nl
Thanks Lennert for server software and server

YES, KutttPech can still play MPEG-1 movies as well, although it wasn't made for that purpose...

EXAMPLE: Star Wars trailer
With audio...

The source:
Only the jar-file (just .class)

KutttPech V0.4 beta (25-07-02)

Ok, one thing is very important: This is a beta version!!! This means that I expect that it's kind of buggy. Not that the last version wasn't buggy! :) I have added a lot of features in the speed checking department. It is now possible to check you connection speed before you start to stream (as well as during streaming). I have fixed a lot of things that had to do with reloading and thread-killing and they seem to work. I have fixed the scrollbar so that part is a bit less buggy, but still not very snappy in combination with audio. AND I have added MP3-audio (thanks to the JavaLayer project). That means it should now be able to play MP3 audio with MPEG-1 video... Not standard, but a lot smaller then MP2 audio...

The live streaming example (this one is not updated to the new version yet... but will be shortly... :)

A few samples using 0.4:
Star Wars trailer (with sound)
Star Wars trailer (without sound)
Star Wars trailer (WITH sound AND scrollbar)
Star Wars trailer (without sound,with scrollbar)

I will add some other trailer for you te watch soon... This starwars thing is getting rather boring... :)

The source:
Only the jar-file (just .class)

KutttPech V0.3 (17-06-02)

BIG improvements and A LOT of added features. It is able to play audio in Netscape 4.x!!! I didn't think it possible, but it works. I also improved reloading of the applet greatly. Couldn't find any browser in which it wouldn't reload properly! (If you find one, please tell me) The applet is now able to switch between different streams and (if the server sends the right code) is able to switch to a stream with lower bandwith. VERY cool... :) Don't have an example running of that yet, but hope to have soon. I tried to implement a scrollbar and succeeded, but audio and scrolling don't mix at the moment... Will fix this and some performance issues in version 0.4

(thanks Lennert)

A few samples using 0.3:
Star Wars trailer (with sound)
Star Wars trailer (without sound)
Star Wars trailer (without sound,with scrollbar)

For those who like to test buggy code:
Star Wars trailer (WITH sound AND scrollbar)

The source:
Only the jar-file (just .class)

KutttPech V0.2 (14-05-02)

Ok, I improved a great deal on the audio bit of the program. It will now automaticly detect which audio to use or if it should use audio at all. (does not seem to be inclined to work on Netscape 4.x without 1.3) I also improved the audio synchronization greatly. You will hear blasts WHEN you see them, not some seconds before or after. And then I fixed some small bugs, some of which improved the speed a lot aswell as the memory usage.

fixed sync bug in 1.3 (28-05-02)

A few samples using 0.2:
Star Wars trailer (with sound)
Star Wars trailer (without sound)

The source:
Only the jar-file (just .class)

KutttPech V0.1 (01-05-02)

KutttPech is a MPEG-player in JAVA. Capable of playing MPEG-1 within your browser without downloading any irritating plug-in. It is specialized in handling LIVE MPEG STREAMS, but can play files just as easely. It plays Layer 2 audio on most browsers with java 1.1/1.2 and on all browsers with 1.3. It can cut P-FRAMES and B-FRAMES if the machine is to slow to handle them, so as to maintain a small lag. It can run outside a browser as an application and it reasonable fast. So, in short... quite a chalenge...

It is based on SurePlayer V1.0 ( http://sureplayer.sourceforge.net) and is quite experimental. It has a lot of things that need to be tweeked, but it seems to be quite stable on every browser supporting JAVA 1.2 or higher as long as you don't play sound. It plays sound, but if it does, it might nog let you reload the page in your browser. SurePlayer had the same bug... I'm working on it... But the main objective (to create a JAVA based player that can handle MPEG-1 LIVE streams) seems to be completed...

A few samples using 0.1:
Star Wars trailer (with sound)
Star Wars trailer (without sound)

When you are checking out the different version numbers of the samples, the browser might not load the other version and use the cache to let you believe there is no difference... There is... :)

The source:
Only the jar-file (just .class)


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